SIBERIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. Scientific Journal. 2017. V12, i 1

Radiophysics and Electronics

Belikov O. V., Bykov E. V., Gusev E. A., Kozak V. R. Hardware and Software for Improving Quality of Precise Power Supplies for Large Physical Installation

There are presented hardware, software and testing algorithms allowing improve the quality of production of the current sources for physical installations. Developed test system monitors main
current source parameters and detects different defects of production and tuning. The multichannel system for measurement of DC current has the range drift less than 3 ppm/°C. Using of presented
hardware and software is reviewed on the testing power supplies for European XFEL.


Budnikov K. I., Kurochkin A. V., Lubkov A. A., Yakovlev A. V. HTTP Packets Filtration Method Based on Post-Analysis of Requests to Web-Resource

The paper describes an HTTP-request filtering method at packet level by using post-analysis of the passed request to control access to a web-resource. Unlike methods using preliminary analysis
of requests, in this method the request is analyzed not before it is sent to the Internet to the webserver on which the requested resource is placed, but after, at the time while the request over communication lines comes to the web-server, which generates a response, and the response message comes back to the filter. Depending on the check results the response received from the web-server by filter device is passed to the user or locked. The approach of such kind reduces the time to wait for the answer on request to the resource in comparison to methods that use preliminary analysis of the request before it is sent to web-server.


High-energy and accelerator physics, physics of high-temperature plasma

Kotelnikov I. A. Nuclear Fusion and Solar Energy

An attempt is made to critically rethink 66 years in the development agenda of controlled nuclear fusion and on this basis to answer the question: will a thermonuclear reactor be in demand in XXI century. A hypothetical fusion reactor is compared to existing nuclear fission reactor on the energy gained per unit volume of the active core when using either D-T or p-11 B-fuel. Progress in fusion research is opposed to the rapid development of solar energy. It is suggested that humankind will always need a variety of energy resources, so the fusion power plant can be built even with the dominance of solar energy.


Arzhannikov A. V., Makarov M. A., Samtsov D. A., Sinitsky S. L., Stepanov V. D. The Method to Find the Angular Distribution of Relativistic Magnetized Electron Beam from Measurements of Their Absorption in a Sequence of Cylindrical Collimators

In the problem on motion of magnetized relativistic electrons in a cylindrical channel with the radius comparable with characteristic Larmor radius of the electrons, a distribution of electrons with arbitrary initial angular spread absorbed in the channel wall along its axis is found. The solution is obtained by 3D modelling taking into account the reflection of electrons from the cylindrical surface of the channel. Basing on the received solution the multichannel detector of the electron angular spread in the form of sequential absorbing collimators with gradually decreasing diameter is constructed and tested in a real experiment. Mathematical procedure to find the angular distribution function of the electron velocities from the measurements of the collimator currents is described.


Physics of a Fluid, Neutral and Ionized Gases

Palkin E. V., Mullyadzhanov R. I. Low-Frequency Fluctuations in the Flow over Confined Cylinder in a Narrow Rectangular Duct at Re = 3 750

Flows between two closely spaced bounding surfaces are frequently appear in engineering applications and natural flows. In current paper the flow over a cylinder in a narrow rectangular duct was investigated by numerical computations of Navier-Stokes equations using Large eddy simulations (LES) at ReD = 3 750 based on cylinder diameter and the bulk velocity at inflow boundary. The influence of the bounding walls was demonstrated by comparing mean flow streamlines with the flow over an infinite cylinder at close Reynolds numbers. A comparison between the time-averaged velocity field in front and past the cylinder with experimental from the literature data showed good agreement although the characteristic horseshoe vortex structures are highly sensitive to Reynolds number and turbulence level at inflow boundary. Most energetic modes in recirculating region were revealed by spectral analysis. These low-frequency modulations were characterized by the pair of dominating vortices which are expected to have high influence on the heat transfer in near wake of the cylinder.


Lysenko V. I., Smorodsky B. V., Ermolaev Yu. G., Gaponov S. A., Kosinov A. D., Semionov N. V., Yatskikh A. A. Influence of Heavy Gas Blowing into the Wall Layer of Supersonic
Boundary-Layer on Its Transition

The experimental investigation of the influence of the distributed blowing of heavy gas (sulfur hexafluoride of SF6) into the wall layer of supersonic flat-plate boundary layer (at free-stream Mach number M = 2) on the laminar-turbulent transition have been performed. For the first time experimentally it is shown that in case of such blowing there is a boundary-layer stabilization, and the laminar-turbulent transition is removed from the model leading edge.


Yatskikh A. A., Rumenskikh M. S., Yermolaev Yu. G., Kosinov A. D., Semionov N. V., Kosorygin V. S. Excitation of Localized Wave Packet in 3D Supersonic Boundary Layer

The results of experimental study of excitation of localized in time and space controlled disturbances (wave packets) in a supersonic swept-wing boundary layer are presented. The experiments were performed at Mach number M = 2 on the model of wing with a lenticular profile and a 40 degrees sweep angle of the leading edge at zero angle of attack. Wave packets were generated by a pulse electric discharge on the surface of the model. A structure of controlled wave packet was studied. It was found that the wave packet has an asymmetric shape. Comparison with the case of twodimensional boundary layer was done.


Grek G. R., Litvinenko M. V., Kozlov G. V., Vikhorev V. V. Features of the Diffusion Combustion of Hydrogen Microjet at Various Spatial Orientation of the Nozzle Exit with Top – Hat Mean Velocity Profile at the Nozzle Exit

The purpose of the given work will consist in the experimental studies of features diffusion combustion of a hydrogen round microjet, effusing from micronozzle with top – hat mean velocity profile at the nozzle exit, depending on spatial orientation of the nozzle exit. It is revealed, that in conditions of a jet velocity vector orientation towards terrestrial gravitation vector «g» (opposite or perpendicular) the basic characteristics of the flame evolution depending on gas consumption (Q) (or jet velocity U) are rather close to each other. To these characteristics concern such as ranges of the «bottleneck flame area» presence, flame separation at presence of the «bottleneck flame area», presence of the «bottleneck flame area» but absence of a turbulent jet combustion and finally ending of the microjet combustion. On the contrary, in situation of the hydrogen round microjet diffusion combustion in conditions of a jet velocity vector orientation towards terrestrial gravitation vector «g» (orientability – like) the basic characteristics of the flame evolution depending on a jet velocity are sharply differed from two previous cases. The range of existence of the «bottleneck flame area» is reduced, flame separation occurs in absence of the «bottleneck flame area», there is no situation of the «bottleneck flame area» combustion at turbulent flame separation and there is no situation of the «bottleneck flame area» combustion at burn termination of the turbulent part of a microjet and finally ending of the microjet combustion occurs at the much greater jet velocity.


Yakovenko S. N. Modeling the Turbulent Scalar Fluxes in an Internal Wave Breaking Region in Stratified Flow with Obstacle

Based on averaging of the direct numerical simulation data obtained earlier, statistical moments are calculated in a turbulent patch arising after internal wave overturning in a flow with obstacle and stable stratification. Temporal evolution and spatial behavior of the turbulent-scalar-flux transport equation budget have been studied. A priori estimations of approximations for the pressure- scalar-gradient correlation and turbulent-diffusion processes in this equation have been carried out. The performed analysis is helpful to explore the turbulent patch in terms of statistical moments, and to verify closure hypotheses in turbulence models. It is shown that, in the global balance of the turbulent-scalar-flux equation, the mean-shear and buoyancy productions and the pressure-scalargradient correlation are roughly balanced, as for the shear Reynolds stress equation, and in contrast to the scalar variance and normal Reynolds stress equations. The algebraic turbulent-scalar-flux relations of the gradient diffusion type, as well as those derived in local-equilibrium and nonequilibrium assumptions are incorrect; therefore the use of the full turbulent-scalar-flux equation is justified.


Popov V. N., Shchukin V. G. Modeling of Thermophysical Processes in the Case of Surface Modifying of Metal during Induction Treatment

Process of modifying of the surface layer of metals under influence of high-frequency electromagnetic field was considered using numerical simulation. The temperature field and the size of modified region were determined at various modes of processing.


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